Monthly Archives: September 2015

Kant Cook


Here at Koziol UK Autumn is all about embracing the new seasonal colours, fruit & vegetables and spending some quality time preparing some delicious foods. The expanding range of Kant kitchen tools are perfect for all number of kitchen duties, from peeling & chopping, to slicing & flipping there’s a colourful tool perfect for the task in hand!


Kant tools are all made from 100% recyclable melamine and BPA free plastic, they’re dishwasher safe and the spatulas and stirring spoons can withstand tempertaures upto 220c (428f). Each tool has been created with the job in mind, from a flat bottomed garlic press that requires less effort to crush, to a flat edged spatula making flipping foods so much easier – perfect pancakes here we come!  With a variety of colours to choose from, you can match them to your kitchen colour scheme or mix them up for an added burst of colour; Kant is definitely  our ‘this season’ purchase!
